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Starcraft 2 cheats | Starcraft 2 cheat codes for PC

starcraft 2 cheats
StarCraft 2 Cheats

Looking for Starcraft 2 cheats or Starcraft 2 cheat codes for PC? You are in the right place right now. Starcraft 2 is a strategy game and it's very difficult to win or defeat even a single enemy if you do not know the exact strategy. So, for noobs/newbie players here's a shortcut to win a game in Starcraft 2 , try Starcraft 2 cheat and cheat code:

First, i will show you the older version of StarCraft cheats.

Starcraft Cheats - Starcraft cheat codes:

While playing the game, you can activate Starcraft cheats by pressing Enter then followed by a certain code then after typing the code, hit the Enter key(only valid for a single player game mode). Note: the codes here are written bold and italicized.
  • Receive 10,000 minerals and vespene Gas  - show me the money
  • Technology Upgrade - medieval man
  • Free unit upgrades - something for nothing
  • Infinite Energy - the gathering
  • Instant loss - game over man
  • Instant Victory - there is no cow level
  • Invincibility - power overwhelming
  • Receive 500 vespene gas - breathe deep
  • Lift the Fog (prevent the fog of war from coming back) - war aint what it used to be
  • Disable food and PSI requirements - food for thought
  • Receive 500 minerals - whats mine is mine
  • Select a level - ophelia
  • Fast-build mode - operation cwal
  • Disable level victory - staying alive
Now, you can move on to the next level and try:

starcraft 2 cheats | starcraft 2 cheat codes | SC2 cheats | StarCraft II cheats:

Press ENTER to bring up the console. Enter the following StarCraft 2 cheats for the desired effect.

Warning: Entering cheat codes disables Achievements until you start a new game OR load an earlier saved game.

2 cheats

effect or Effects

Its effect is invincibility and a multiplication of the damage all
your buildings and units deal by a factor of 10 (so if a unit does 12
damage normally, it would do 120).

Gives Five Million Credits to spend in the Armory

Disables ability cooldown

Disables Victory Conditions

Units no longer cost resources

Grants more resources

Grants 5,000 Vespene Gas

Disables Tech requirements

Upgrades armor (and shields) by 1

Lets you view any cinematic

Plays the song "Terran Up The Night"

From the list of StarCraft 2 cheats, overengineeredcodpiece is my favorite starcraft 2 cheat.

You can add more Starcraft 2 cheat or Starcraft 2 cheat codes by leaving a comment on my comment box. If there are codes that are not working, please feel free to inform us so that we will update the list of Starcraft 2 cheat codes.

UPDATE: For more detailed starcraft 2 cheats please check: SC2 cheats
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Are you looking for the best StarCraft 2 Strategy Guide? Don't miss the opportunity to have one.
StarCraft 2 Mastery Guide is here!


  1. These are not for starcraft 2 they are for starcraft 1 fool.

  2. yeah that's Right

  3. may its possible, that it has the same cheats? or not?

  4. idiots!!!!!!!!!!! by the way i know a cheat for invicibili ty ..... terribileterribledamage ..... is like Whos your daddy hope it helps someone here:D

  5. i know one whysoserious but dont know what he do

  6. 5Billion credits=whysoserious

  7. check the bottom part of my post: UPDATE to see the latest cheats in starcraft 2

  8. iamironman = gives a upgrade to armor weps n etc.
    moredotsmoredots = units dont cost anything same goes for buildings

  9. even though its not fair to cheat, it sounds fun :P

  10. hahaha

    for a real strategy guide (that u pay for :/)

    id recommend shoks strategy guide
    this site :

  11. Nice list of cheats you got here bro, will try this if i start playing on the hard difficulty level


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