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How to Survive in College?

This article will discuss the different ways on how to survive in college - the realities of being a college student, the different problems that each student must overcome and some useful tips to surmount the different trials or obstacles in college education.

student thinking how to survive in college

How to Survive in College

They say high school is the most unforgettable moment as a student, but college is the most difficult one. It is difficult because it is the stage where you prepare yourself for a bigger battlefield not just mentally but emotionally most importantly.

Being a college student is really hard because you need to adjust in all ways possible especially to those who come from provinces who will study in far places or on cities. It is important as a student to know your priorities so that you will be able to decide and do things in order.

college student problems - how to survive in college

Problems to Surmount in Order to Survive in College

Student-problems are always present like having a lot of requirements, assignments, simultaneous quizzes and recitations, group activities and many more. But all you need to know is how to manage and balance your time properly.

In college, time is very essential since you are given the chance to arrange your schedule and you will decide when to start and end your classes. You have to adjust waking up early or coming home late depending on the class schedule that you choose you think you are comfortable and if sometimes the schedule doesn’t favor you, all you can do is be wise in spending your time especially when you’re vacant.

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Studying is Important to Survive in College

As a student, studying is very important for survival. If in high school your teachers monitor your grades and will sometimes help you pass, instances like that are very rare in college. Teachers have different standards and traditions and if you don’t work hard and exert effort, they might not recognize you as one of their students who deserve to pass the subject. There are also some instructors who demand a lot of requirements and as a student; you just need to comply those for you to pass.

Actually, there are different kinds of teachers in college that might contribute to the failure and success of their students. There are those who teach well but are very strict to the extent that students cannot focus on what they’re trying to explain; others just read the book in front or let the students report and in the end, you didn’t learn anything; some are close to the students that sometimes they grade base on their closeness and a lot more. But whatever or whoever your teachers are as long as you’re determined to get high grades and pass, you will focus not on them or on other people but on yourself on how to be a better student.

In college also, being on a group of people or having a set of friends may help especially if the group you are in contributes to your development as a person and to your studies as well. It is important that you choose the people you will be going with because they might be good or bad influence to you. It’s not wrong to be friendly but you should make sure you know who to trust and who are those who’ll bring you either up or down.

As a college student also, you might see different faces in every subject especially if you don’t belong to a “block section”. Adjustments will again take place especially that some of your classmates or worse, your seatmates are annoying, noisy and distract your focus and concentration on the discussion, copy your assignments and every time you’ll have your quiz. There are really situations like that so instead of being problematic on how to get rid of them, you might as well help them or make friends with them, teach them how to do some assignments and tell them to listen to the teachers so they can answer during quizzes and exams.

Financial and Emotional Problems Faced by College Students

Financial and emotional problems cannot be avoided during this stage. When you talk about financial matters, being in college is really expensive. You have to pay your tuition fees, your allowance, rent on your boarding house if you’re boarding, school requirements, pay for your books and other miscellaneous expenses. If time will come that you’ll have difficulty paying those things, you need to understand your situation and your parent’s capacity to send you money. Patience is very important here and also being able to swallow your pride, tell your teachers that you might pay beyond the deadline, be resourceful and most importantly, be thrifty and save money. Emotional difficulties will forever be present and this is the real test here.

In everything that you will be encountering in college or even in your real life, what is important is that you have that mindset that you can and you will survive. Being optimistic helps especially in times of trouble and struggles like in passing your subject and coping with all your other problems because a positive mind can attract positive thoughts. If you think you can, then you will. A lot of temptations also may distract you but if know your priorities, your goal and you think about your inspirations, your family, friends and God most of all, you will definitely survive the storm in college and you will surely be ready to get in the real world.

Life is just really a battle of wills and if you want to do something and be someone, you’ll be willing to work for it.


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