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Life in Taborea: The World of Runes of Magic

Life in Taborea The World of Runes of Magic
(This is my entry to Nuffnang's contest - "Life in Taborea: The World of Runes of Magic".)

Life in Taborea, the World of Runes of Magic, is not as easy as before. This place was once a simple world of flora and fauna, but it became a cradle of myths and legends. A place of heroes defending the world of Taborea against the conquering monsters of different sizes, and skills.

I am one of the "Living Legends" in Taborea, my name is Scolex. I am a knight who have completed my training near Aotulia Volcano, above the Dust Evil Canyon. There i have gained my full strength as a warrior - a defender of the mystical place of Taborea.

Now, equipped with Armor Splitting Long Blade, Justice Heavy Helm, Black Triumph's Armor, Belt of Steel, Chain of Fetters, Alexander's Fingers, Raider's Pace, and Black Market Spaulders, i am ready for any chaos that would come in my village - in Silverspring.

Here's my pose after my tedious training in order to become a knight who will help defend Taborea against invading monsters.
Life in Taborea The World of Runes of Magic 
I'm pretty well-prepared for a battle anytime and restore the peaceful life of all the inhabitants of Taborea. 
In one of my training i've encountered brute, gigantic monsters that almost killed me. I can still remember that monster...uhmm...that was a prisoner. Ahah! it was Androlier's Prisoner. I don't have a good armor and weapon that time, but in our next encounter, i will let that monster suffer my Hatred Spike.

In order to survive in this "World of Runes of Magic", an individual must learn to harness all his capabilities - his strength, agility, stamina, vitality and intellect.  Every second of the day is battle for life and death. If you fail to prepare, you will end up suffering from the wrath of the monsters loitering in Taborea. Those monsters are merciless. They want to tear you in pieces so be watchful!

Here are some of the monsters i've encountered during my training.
Life in Taborea The World of Runes of Magic
They are well-prepared too! They are ready to kill you!
The reminiscing part of my life in Taborea was the time when i met the "Girl of My Dreams" - Emelou. She is a beautiful mage and was also trained near Aotulia Volcano. She mastered all tricks in using the elements in the universe in conquering her enemies. Likewise, she has mastered how to manipulate the different runes of magic in order to generate powerful energy in a form of magic.  She was really wonderful and powerful and i really love her.
life in Taborea the world of Runes of Magic 
After the training, i did not see her. I heard she was sent for a very important mission. During our last conversation at Silverspring, i can see in her cheek some pearls of tears as she said goodbye to me. She gave no detail about the mission but she will comeback here in Silverspring after 2 years. That was quite a long time but i will wait for her. With her skill in magic, i knew she can surpass all the trials that may come her way.

 I can still remember the last words she said: "I will fulfill my promise, and i will be back soon here in Silverspring". And i really believed in that promise.

I became a member of the "Elite Four" of Taborea. The "Elite Four" were chosen by the King Chandez and his 12 Council of Elders. The four were chosen among thousands of warriors who underwent training of different intensities. The "Elite Four" or E4 were chosen based on their achievement in battles and of helping other people in Taborea. The E4 were the following: Scolex, Emelou, Frixter, and Jasmine.

Life in Taborea The World of Runes of Magic

The Elite Four, together with the other warriors of Taborea had successfully won the "Battle of Magic" against monsters and dwelling spirits. Using the different magical runes, that were kept by the King and the Council of Elders, E4 and the warriors have restored the peaceful life in Taborea. The runes used were the following: Runes of Barrier, Excite, Defense, Burst, Fatal, Fearless, Harm and Mayhem.

Finally, all the people in Taborea were shouting: "Viva Taborea! Viva Taborea!" (Long Live Taborea! Long Live Taborea!)


FYI: Taborea is the setting of the game "RUNES OF MAGIC" (by E-Games). Runes of Magic(RoM) is a MMORPG(Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) that is now invading the world of online games.

By the way, if you were in Taborea, how would you live your life there? Please READ...
What runes of magic are you willing to keep?


  1. Good work here. You've detailed your powers and skills and you've managed to insert some love story in it :) I also like the Elite Four idea. :)

    If you have the time, please drop by and comment on my entry too. Good luck to us both. Ty

  2. wow what a nice story..strenght and power of love...:).it`s great!

  3. Great post Scolex! Your ideas and the story as a whole put my interest in the game. You deserve to win the contest.

    On the other hand, I can see that this gaming blog is your forte, keep it up!

  4. thanks for dropping by sa blog ko ^_^...
    goodluck to everybody!!

    Life In Taborea: The World Of Runes Of Magic

  5. Great! you've awaken my interest for the game!

  6. Wonderful writing! Vivid and imaginative!

  7. Thanks for dropping by guys!
    Good Luck to all the participants!

  8. Greetings from KS Blog!

    You have a nice story, different ideas and great adventure in the Taborean land. Especially in the part wherein you meet your love and the promise she made about. That is sweet by the way. Goodluck to us both!

    Please visit my weblog entry too and drop comments there. Also am interested in exchanging blog links too! Thanks!

  9. Are the judges done in choosing the best entry in this contest. You could be one of the winners cause your story is unique and it sparks my interest to the game.

  10. hello scolex. wow love story! morag kaila ko anang emelou ba.hehehe.
    hope you can grab one of the prizes

  11. just a brief story but it captures my attention to the world of Runes of magic.

  12. Hello dude! Your writing is brief and concise, relevant to the game that you featured in the story.

  13. hey scolex...
    as i read ur story,i thought i read one of the masterpieces of JK Rowlings...what a fictitious mind!!!!
    If ever James Cameron read your creation, he will surely invest on this romantic and magical
    story...romance + fantasy = excitement
    titanic + avatar = scolex' Life in Taborea.....
    more stories to come....

    Good luck...

  14. nice story Sir Scolex. Pahingi balato ha!

  15. Im finding the twinks in RoM PVP harder to deal with its unfair when people can just buy the best gear

  16. Such an excellent piece. You deserved an A+ for the great output.


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