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How to summon War Queen in Mafa TD Queen 4.5c(C+UH)

If you don't have enough time to explore Mafa TD Queen 4.5c (C+UH), you will surely wonder how to summon War Queen. Many followers of my post - Mafa TD Queen solo game strategy, were asking question: How to summon War Queen in Mafa TD Queen?

At last! I've finally discovered the trick on how to summon War Queen.

Just follow the steps:
1. You need to summon Mr. Freaks from any of the shops in Mafa TD Queen.
2. Summon Pussy Cat Doll. [click here... to Summon Pussy Cat Doll]
3. Use Pussy Cat Doll to build Fire Trap, Wind Trap and Ice Trap.
4. After building ice, wind and fire trap, you can now build the Altar of the Queen.
5. You can summon the War Queen from Altar of the Queen.
6. Before you can summon the War Queen, you need the following: Ice Orb, Wind Orb and Fire Orb.

The requirements before you can summon the Orbs:
Ice Orb requires:
  • Ice Tower Level 4
  • Gaia Tower
  • Noob Furion
Wind Orb requires:
  • Illiden Power
  • Red Alert
  • Rain of Chaos
Fire Orb requires:
  • Volcano
  • Fire Storm (if you have Volcano, never mind building this tower)
  • Elfame Palace (can be built by Mr. Freaks or Pussy Cat Doll - start with Elfame Keep)
7. If all the Orbs have been built, War Queen will become available from Altar of the Queen.

So i already answered the query: How to summon War Queen in Mafa TD Queen?

If there are missing info in this guide, feel free to add them through leaving comments in the comment box.

Here's a Youtube video about Mafa TD Queen Strategy Solo (ULTRAHARD mode). Don't forget to subscribe on my channel!
Check it here >>>> Mafa TD Queen Solo Strategy (ULTRAHARD)

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  1. how to summon brilliant of goddes???

  2. how to summon the war queen without cheats? it requires a lot of lumber i tried to i always lack 1 lumber because i cant kill all naix

  3. i cant kill pugna without a hero so i cant get lumber, i can only get 5 lumber in the robot but pussycat doll requires 5+rain of chaos 1+warqueen 7=13
    13-starting lumber 6=7
    7-5 in robot= 2
    if you kill all naix you get= 6 lumber
    you can only build 3 furion not enough for volcano. help pls


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