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CityVille Tips and Tricks to help you Build a Powerful City

CityVille Tips and Tricks
Have you started running your own city in CityVille? As newbie player of this new Zynga game, you may be wondering how you can manage your city so as to develop into a super city. And along with those thoughts in mind, you are now scouring the entire web for CityVille Tips and Tricks that will help you dominate in CityVille.

If you are playing FarmTown, FarmVille, and FrontierVille, those experiences you have gained in playing those mentioned games will somehow guide you in establishing a powerful city in CityVille.

To the avid followers of this gaming blog , i will share to you what i have learned regarding the tips and tricks in playing CityVille. The following list of tips and tricks will be updated as soon as possible if i will find some other tricks and tips worthy to be added in my list.

CityVille Tips and Tricks:

1. Ask a Friend. In the early stage of your city in CityVille, you will certainly need some batteries. If you have many friends in Facebook playing the same game, you can ask them to send you batteries as gift for you. In that way you can sustain the most critical part in establishing your city.
2. Have More Neighbors. All Zynga games are designed so that if you have more neighbors, you can receive plenty of advantages in the game. Adding more neighbors in CityVille is an easy trick to do. Just used your convicing power to invite more friends to make an account in CityVille then inviting them to be one of your neighbors. Your neighbor can help you in time of crisis.
3. Balance. Balance your economy with a strategic business and having more crops.
4. Time Management. The time management i'm referring here are the length of time your crop will take before it can be harvested. If you have enough time to play, like in FarmTown and FarmVille, do plant crops that can be harvested with the least time, therefore giving you more experience. But if you are planning to go offline for a day. Plant a crop that be harvested within a day. Don't waste your money for crops that were left unattended.
5. Gain Experiences and Coins. Experiences and coins in CityVille can be acquired by building house or stores. Out of those houses and stores, you can also receive payments per hour. You can receive foods, experiences and coins by harvesting crops.
6. Establish Connection. You can do this trick by building train stations to your neighbor cities so that the flow of goods and services will be easy. Through this, you can receive gifts and stuffs.
7.Community Buildings. Build community buildings so you can keep on building houses in CityVille. Community buildings in this game is designed to make the population limit of your city higher.
8. Creativity. Maximize the use of decorations. Be creative in making decorations because they will attract more money or products. Like in the real world a creative city will attract more tourists thereby boosting their economy in terms of investment.
9. Helping Hands. You can help your neighbor by visiting them. You can do this tip or tricks by sending tourist buses and other task that you can offer to them. This trick will give you good amount of experiences and reputation from them.
10. Unlocking Stuff. To unlock new stuff in CityVille, the trick is to build more stores and buildings.
11. Unlocking Harbor.  By unlocking harbor, you can build ships. Some players choose to unlock the the harbor in the early part of the game so that they can generate tremendous amount of money. But be careful about the limits of your harbor - the number of ships it can hold at time.
12. Good Number of Population. Yes, people are the most important resources you need in CityVille. You can have a good number of population by seeing to it that you have enough resources (money) and houses for them.

If you have some more CityVille tips and tricks to share, you can do so by leaving comment in my comment box. In doing so, i can update this list.

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