18. Popgun, Vol. 4 Ben Templesmith
The artist who created this unique cover used a fantastic painting style to illustrate this futuristic comic. There is no sense of realism here, it looks like a traditional painting but with very cool visuals. The digital dragon tattoo is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in this whole list, and the way the robot is pictured here gives it a very calming soft mood.
19. The Marvelous Land of Oz #3 Skottie Young
This comic was made to look something along the lines of a revolutionary poster. The basic elements of a revolution are definitely in this comic cover, the design style is simple yet rough and textured. This vector zed comic cover just screams Revolt, and it definitely deserves to be on this list.
20. Joker Lee Bermejo
The instantly noticeable grin of this villain makes for a simply gruesome comic book cover that just screams awesome. There was absolutely no need to sully this incredibly gritty painting with any typography
describing this comic because everyone already knows what it is going to be about. This painting perfectly depicts the Joker with the rough and dirty painting style. An amazing cover with some amazing color selection that definitely tie into what the comic is all about.
21. Batman #682 Alex Ross
Right after we feature the Joker its only right to bring out the Batman. This cover has an unusual color scheme but we can’t be helped but to be amazed at how this was brilliantly painted. With a flurry of classic heroes and villains meshed in the back interacting with the bright and loud neon signs and Batman logo make for a pretty perfect cover that has everything one can ever want in an illustration about the Gotham Knight.
22. Marvel Zombies #9 George Roussos
This series of comics definitely feature some of the coolest illustrations out there. What would we do if our favorite heroes turned into insane flesh eating zombies? Yea, a
Captain America Zombie! Although this was a semi old cover it still featured some
gruesome half dead illustrations of our favorite heroes just undead.
23. Amazing Spider-man 592 Paolo Rivera
The last two covers featured are definitely some of the more original ones that we have in our roundup. Marvel and the artists took Wolverine and then meshed him with many classical artists. Dali’s famous surrealism is up for display here with a little twist from the adamantium man. Anyone who loves art can appreciate the quality of this comic cover.
24. Uncanny X-Men 508 Laura Martin
Lastly the artist that created this cover decided to mimic the painting style Van Gogh while still keeping it badass as Wolverine always has. Who doesn’t love that he has a person’s ear on his claws, this cover is just pure genius on so many levels. Bravo to those at Marvel and the artist’s who came up with this idea. There are a lot more of these types of comic covers so follow the link to see the rest.
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Coolest Comic Book Covers of All Time
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