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Education: The Outcome of Learning

Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance”. To establish learning, one should be educated. It is the education that makes a man complete. One individual will cease to grow and it is part of growing up to have learning and understanding about our surroundings and to attain education.

People can be easily governed if they have background in education. It is an admirable thing because it will keep them away from ignorance that could cause one’s life to become miserable. But in the case that people have knowledge, they will never be easily a victim of ignorance because education will somehow be the reason that man could defend himself of those things that he doesn’t know. As cited by John Dewey, “EDUCATION IS NOT PREPARATION FOR LIFE; EDUCATION IS LIFE ITSELF”. In this perception, it is very well said that education is life. Through man’s actions, it will reveal what kind of education he has.

The outcome of learning is education that will demonstrate on the successful completion of a person. Engagement in a particular set of higher educational experiences will help human to understand humanity. It could also enhanced human lifestyles and more fulfilled life. Indeed, education is all a matter of building bridges of one’s’ life to become successful and more fulfilled.


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