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Hackers Attack Apple: The Latest Online Security Attack

Hackers Apple Attack
What's the latest news in terms of online security?

Hackers target Apple to be the next victim of online security attack.

According to Huffington Post, the group AntiSec, published a message on Twitter last Sunday claiming that they hacked and gained access to private data from an Apple Inc Server. The document shared on the internet contained several user names and passwords.

Here's a line from Wall Street Journal:
The hackers said in a statement posted to Twitter that they had accessed Apple's systems due to a security flaw used in software used by the Cupertino, Calif.-based gadget maker and other companies.
In a tweet, #AntiSec posted: "#Apple could be target, too. But don't worry, we are busy elsewhere".

This another group(AntiSec) of online security hackers is allegedly made up of members from the recently-disbanded LulzSec, a hacking group which infiltrated the websites of CIA, FBI and the U.S. Senate.

Could this attack on Apple as revealed by the hackers themselves for real? Let's wait and see what Apple has to say about the rumors that hackers have attacked them.


  1. Somebody explain this anti-sec movement to me. Security is a way to protect oneself, and I can only imagine these folks deem it necessary for information to be free for anyone. If that's the case, I'd love to see an open web page detailing the hackers and everything from their date of birth to their favorite sandwich. Of course that will never happen because, as we all know, any organization tends to root themselves in hypocrisy in some way, shape, or form. These guys are no different from their targets. Sham.


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