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League of Legends maps

league of legends maps
This page will give every LoL player an overview of League of Legends maps. Unlike DoTA, LoL currently has two maps to choose from during a game. I am pretty sure as this game became popular to online gamers, there are many more LoL maps will be released soon and be implemented in the game.

Just follow this page for any news and updates regarding the latest map or map under-development for League of Legends.

So far, these are the maps used in League of Legends and their respective info:

1. Summoner's Rift
maps in league of legends
Gameplay: The objective of Summoner’s Rift is extremely straightforward – destroy the enemy’s nexus. In order to do this, champions must traverse down one of three different paths in order to attack their enemy at the weakest points they can exploit. Each lane on the opposing team’s side is defended by numerous turrets; each turret grows in strength the closer it gets to their respective nexus, and each turret must be eliminated in order to gain access to that team’s main base. Cooperating with fellow summoners is an absolute requirement for success, as it is easy for a champion to find themselves ambushed by enemies in the lanes of the Rift.

2. The Twisted Treeline
league of legends maps
Gameplay: Twisted Treeline map features faster paced 3v3 action due to its two lanes/ two forests layout. One lane is curvy, and the other is straight. The map also features several neutral monster camps, and plenty of opportunities for team fights due to the two large forests located on the map. The top forest is accessible only from the top lane, has high reward monsters, and is structured to increase random forest encounters. The lower forest narrows in the middle, allowing for increased ganking opportunities. Other features of Twisted Treeline include new Sigil monsters, in addition to a new monster whose buff reveals the bottom forest for a short period of time.

To be updated with the latest LoL maps, just bookmark this page and subscribe on this blog.

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