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Super Science - A Science Song

Everybody loves music! With the experiences I have in teaching earth science, I learned that one way of motivating students to learn the subject is through introducing science songs. One of the songs that I've shared with my students is entitled "Super Science". This song is in the tune of one of the famous songs of Five For Fighting, Superman.

Science Songs


Science gives us light
The power that we need
It also makes us fly
And dive the ocean's deep

It's more than a word
It's more than a term
It's more than an attitude
And values too

Nature explained its mysteries
From the sunshine rays to rainy days
Things we need
I need in me

Science makes our life
Easier than it seems
Lever for our tasks
Medicines for our ills

Study the Earth
Mountains and seas
Know the atmosphere and lithosphere
Wafers and chips
What makes them so thin
From magnetic cores
To Pentium fours
Let's start thinking scientifically

I learned this science song from one of the in-service training/workshop for science teachers.

Every start of the school year, it is a good start to introduce this song to freshmen students so that they will learn to love and value science as a subject which has great contribution to their lives.

If you have known other science songs, please share them here through the comment box.

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