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Ezreal, The Prodical Explorer Guide

Want some guide for Ezreal in League of Legends? Yes I have collected some basic info about Ezreal - The Prodigal Explorer. How to play Ezreal so that you can maximize his strengths by knowing all his weak points.

First let us know who is Ezreal as one of the champions in League of Legends (LoL).

Ezreal - The Prodigal Explorer

Ezreal League of Legends Guide
Ezreal was born with the gift of magic flowing with his bloods. Ezreal, however, was also born with a much stronger sense of wanderlust. Put into school to become a skilled techmaturgist, Ezreal quickly became bored with magical studies. By the time the boy genius was eight years old, he had fully mapped out the underground tunnels of Piltover. The quality of his work was so great that the government of Piltover purchased his maps and salaried his services as Piltover's Grandmaster Explorer. This sealed the deal on Ezreal's path in life - he would eschew the arcane arts in favor of archaeology. Since then, countless of Ezreal's adventures have been written about as romanticized stories.

One of Ezreal's latest adventures, however, has brought him face-to-face with his other legacy - his latent magical power. While exploring the pyramids of Shurima Desert, Ezreal uncovered an Amulet of incredible power. Aside from the sheer size of the amulet (it was made for a being easily twice Ezreal's size), it allows the wielder to control and shape magical energy - provided a source of magic is in the vicinity. This allowed Ezreal to tap into his natural talent for magic without having to put any serious effort into it - a big win for the Prodigal Explorer. The drawback is that for some unknown reason, the amulet is attuned with summoning magic. Without warning, Ezreal may find himself acting as a champion for, as he puts it, ''a summoner hell-bent on resolving some irrelevant world-shattering League conflict.'' Still, Ezreal feels being summoned into a Field of Justice on occasion is a small price to pay.

Ezreal's Ideology or Credo: "There's little time to study musty tomes when you're busy crawling around where the musty tomes originally came from."

If you want to master how to use Ezreal, then you must understand his abilities or skills.

Abilities of Ezreal

Ezreal's Rising Spell Force ability
Rising Spell Force - Hitting a target with any of Ezreal's abilities increases his attack speed by 15% for 6 seconds (Max Stacks: 5).

Spell Effect: Ezreal gains 15% attack speed each time he lands a spell [cap: 75%].

Mystic Shot - Ezreal fires a bolt of energy, if it strikes an enemy unit it reduces all of Ezreal's cooldowns by 1 second.
Ezreal fires a bolt of energy dealing 35/55/75/95/115 (+) physical damage (applies on-hit effects).

Spell Effect: Ezreal fires a bolt of energy, dealing (35/55/75/95/115) (+(1 per attack damage point)) (+(0.2 per ability power point)) physical damage (applies on-hit effects).
Ezreal's cooldowns are reduced by 1 second if Mystic Shot hits a target.
Cost: 30/35/40/45/50 Mana | Range:10000


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