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Diablo 3 player dies after playing for 40 hours

Too much addiction with Diablo 3 has proven fatal as a Taiwanese young gamer collapsed and rested in peace after 40 straight hours of playing Diablo 3 in an internet café.

The 18-year old Diablo 3 player was identified only by his surname as Chuang. According to the report, Chuang reserved an exclusive room in one of the internet cafes in Tainan, southern Taiwan at approximately noon on July 13 and has a Diablo 3 marathon play for approximately two days in the absence of food.

Report said that on the morning of July 15, an internet café assistant got in the room and discovered Chuang leaning on a table. Shortly after the attendant woke him, he stood up, took a couple of steps but has collapsed afterwards.

The teenage Diablo 3 player was proclaimed lifeless right after reaching a nearby hospital.

Local authorities were examining the cause of this fatal incident. They hypothesized that prolonged hours in a stationary status has developed heart-related problems for Chuang.

Diablo III is the latest installment of the RPG developed by Blizzard Inc. and the game has attracted a lot of online games fanatics all over the world.

This is not the first video games-related death that happened in Taiwan for the year 2012. Last February, an adult gamer in New Taipei has expired with his arms still reaching out for the computer keyboard as a result of playing for approximately 23 hours. The death was disclosed as a result of heart attack.

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