Image Credits: Unesco University can be a frustrating experience - moving to a strange place, meeting deadlines, making new friends, not to mention the actual content of the course itself. Anyone who has been to University for any length of time will know exactly what I am talking about; but imagine a further problem. Not being able to get to half of your lectures! At my University, which prides itself on being inclusive, I have endless problems accessing rooms for meetings, lectures and seminars. It is a very old building and I always get the information that I require, but it comes at a cost. Independent Study Part of the essence of University life is learning together. The interaction with tutors during lectures and with fellow students during seminars is priceless. However, if a lecture is on a certain floor, as rooms change - often at short notice – then I cannot attend. The academic staff are helpful and often take time out of their schedule to meet with me or give me th...
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