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Top Reasons Why People Aren't Interested In Recycling

It has been estimated that about 75% of waste being dumped in landfills all over the world can be recycled but unfortunately only about 30% actually is. So the question is why is it that people are not interested in recycling? Why is it that with all the talk about global warming, the greenhouse effect, solar storms and medical problems caused by pollution that people are still not willing to recycle and protect the earth from further damage? This information will help us to understand how people see waste management and recycling and how recycling advocates and enthusiasts can help turn things around.

Lack Of Space

Many people who want to embark on recycling simply don’t have the space to do it. There is no place in their home where they can place multiple recycle bins to accommodate the growing waste. Since waste needs to be accumulated before it’s disposed, a lot of us simply don’t have the space to allow for it. Because of this people simply choose to avoid getting involved with any form of recycling.

It’s Inconvenient

Whatever the situation, recycling is not for the faint hearted. To carry out the program successfully, you’ll need to be dedicated and it’s hard work. Many people shy away from recycling programs in order to avoid any responsibilities. However, recycling is inconvenient for some people because they don’t just have the time or resources to take part.

Absence Of Collection Centers

Because many people don’t have direct or close-by access to deposit centers, it is almost impossible for them to take part in any recycling efforts or programs. Even those with recycling centers near them need to access to those that can pay good returns for deposits. In areas where people get good deposits for their waste, it’s hard to find waste lying anywhere on the ground or in the landfills. Even if waste like aluminum cans and plastic bottles end up in the landfills, someone is going to pick them up and take it to a collection center in exchange for cash.

Lack Of Information

This can also be described as too much misinformation. When people don’t have the right information they’re likely never going to have the inspiration to get involved with recycling. This is due to all the misinformation going on the media being sponsored by people who want to continue making profits from their fossil fuel business. Also, people living in areas where there are no landfills or those who have not come across a place where recycled materials are being used will find it hard to believe in recycling.


Many people see recycling programs as complicated and confusing. This is due to the fact that they need to separate about 13 different plastics and many other materials that are being used and dumped. Sometimes, people who don’t have or can’t accommodate multiple dust bins need to separate waste items before recycling, and this can be frustrating and mentally tasking when there are numerous items to separate.


This might sound a bit like the issue of inconvenience but it's actually not. Some people might not have the time or resources to recycle so we can say to some extent that it is not convenient for them – even though they can still be seen as lazy. But there are a huge number of people who have the resources, the time, space and everything required to recycle but still not doing it. These are the kind of people that will throw an empty beer can on the ground or in a general bin instead of looking for the proper place to put it.

Gary Roberts has recently begun a recycling program for his business. He found a great company online called All Rubbish 2 Go who take all of his rubbish and recycle it.


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