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How Do Solar Panels Work?

In this article, you will learn how solar panels work to harness the solar energy which could potentially power our homes and industries. You will also know the advantages of using solar panels, the common types of solar panels and the importance of using them.
How does solar panels work?

How Do Solar Panels Work?

We know that the ecology is facing serious challenge of Global Warming. The temperature on the Earth is increasing as a result of ozone layer depletion. Man-made activities are releasing a lot of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere which are very dangerous for the health of ozone layer. Ozone layer can maintain a stable level of cooling in the atmosphere making a suitable condition for the living beings.

We need energy to perform any kind of work. We cannot think of a world without industrial activities and the input of electricity. Until recently we were focusing our attention mainly in the traditional sources of energy like coal and other fuels. As a result of the over utilization of natural resources, the ecology has been polluted very much and it has threatened our existence on this Earth.

As a solution to this challenge, we have turned our focus towards renewable sources of energy like solar energy (a.k.a. radiant energy), wind power, tidal energy, etc. Solar panels can convert the solar energy into electricity. It works on the principle of photovoltaic effect. Normally solar panels are made of silver and the conducting wires that take the current off from the panels are made of copper or silver.

Advantages of Using Solar Panels

how do solar panels work - learn the advantages of using solar panels

Solar panels can be used for residential as well as commercial purposes. A number of panels are needed to install in a straightline format and generate electricity to the required amount. There are many advantages of using solar panels. Once you installed it, the output will be at free of cost. It does not need any costly inputs like fuels or man-made efforts. Its input is only sunlight which is available in infinite amount at no cost. It is better to install the solar panels on the roof to reflect the sunlight directly upon it. Once you started generating electricity from solar panels, you can avoid your electricity bills and have a great impact on your home expenses. You do not need to stand a long time on the queue in front of the electricity office.

Solar panels can be used for a long period of time, usually 25 to 30 years. Although the cost of solar panels are higher, you do not need to incur the complete cost of purchase. Government authorities are providing incentives and subsidies for purchasing and using renewable sources of energy like solar panels. They even remove the tariffs on its purchase. The reason is that all the countries have obligations towards United Nations Organization to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases as far as possible. As there is no emission of such poisonous gases from the solar panels, we should think that the life on this Earth is in our hands. If the atmosphere is polluted and threatens our life we cannot resist. It is better to take precautionary measures to reduce the emission of poisonous gases to the atmosphere. We have to save our posterity from the adverse climate change and thereby the entire living beings in this planet.

Types of Solar Panels

how do solar panels work - some types of solar panels
Different types of solar panels are available in the market. Panels can be Monocrystal, Polycrystal and thin film one. Moncrystal panels are made of crystalline produced silicon and are in the form of a large single cell cut into the size of a panel. Its surface is laid by metal strips to act as a conductor to capture electrons. These types of solar panels are very economical and very efficient in generating electricity compared to other types of solar panels.

Polycrystalline panels consists a number of small cells put together rather than a single large cell. It is not much efficient as compared to monocrystal panels. In the case of thin film panels the silicon material does not have any crystalline structure and this can be used directly on various materials. Its greatest advantage is its low production cost and versatility. But these types of thin film made solar panels are least efficient as they use silicon with high impurities.

The Importance of Using Solar Panels

The importance of using solar panels is widely acceptable one that it will not pose any threat to the ozone layer which is protecting our living environment. By considering this vital aspect, both the developed and developing countries are giving greater emphasis for the shift towards renewable sources of generating electricity. We need to have a Green Earth to sustain the process of life without damaging the ecology. So why not speak with your local solar contractor and start with an estimate. The Earth will thank you.


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