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Ninja Kingdom error: Cannot Find Match

OMG, I hate this part! Something went wrong in Ninja Kingdom. As I tried to attack for multiplayer battle, a message popped up: "Matchmaking could not find a valid opponent for you. Please try again in few minutes."  Of course, as instructed by the message, I wait for few minutes or even hours but to no avail, the problem persists. I can't still attack! Zynga please help!

Ninja Kingdom error - cannot find match

I've visited the Ninja Kingdom forum in Zynga Player Forums but I didn't find any solution on Ninja Kingdom error: cannot find match. What I've found out are clamors of some Ninja Kingdom players who have encountered the same Ninja Kingdom bug.

Here are some of their comments:
im also having the same problem, refreshed twice and still no match, played another game for half an hour and came back and still no match. i tried revenge and lost some trophies but after that i still get the "Matchmaking could not find a valid opponent for you. Please try again in a few minutes." - johnnykc
No i saw i can't attack but a player attacked me. I thougth "they have resolving problem" but always could'nt attack. So if i only can def with 60k gold and 860k food, i have too spend 50 jades for protec my kingdom if i don't want loose my food. I need again 150k food for research, so one or two attack. - Paykoman
same thing for the past 3 hrs for me lost out gold on princess boost but it is hitting a lot of people. I wonder if this is happening to the game design teams fabricated games too or will they still continue to build to there stars and push us out of the princess challenge  - ninjafista
If you have some solutions for this Ninja Kingdom error, please feel free to share with us through the comment box so that a lot of players will be happy. 

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