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Mafa TD Queen Strategy | version 5.12

My Mafa TD Queen Strategy for version 5.12

If you have read my strategy guide for Mafa TD Queen v4.5c Clean+Ultrahard (C+UH), then you will surely finish the game in any difficulty level - HARD, EXTRA HARD, or ULTRA HARD. The strategy will work in solo or in team game. But there's a little modification of my solo strategy when it comes to a team game of 2 or more players. But the concept behind winning the game is still the same.

I really enjoyed playing the game in my desktop computer and even in my gaming laptop.

Now about Mafa TD Queen 5.12 strategy, i'm still on the process of finding or discovering one. I'm always gaming with this Mafa TD Queen 5.12 map but i can only manage up to level 9 or 10 if lucky.

If you have found any strategy guide for Mafa TD Queen v5.12 then you can post it here.

For those who haven't tried my strategy, you can try them all.

Here's a Youtube video about Mafa TD Queen Strategy Solo (ULTRAHARD mode). Don't forget to subscribe on my channel!
Check it here >>>> Mafa TD Queen Solo Strategy (ULTRAHARD)

Here's the list of my Mafa TD Queen Strategy:
Mafa TD Queen Solo Game Strategy
My Solo Replay (Extra Hard)
My Ultrahard Solo Replay
Mafa TD Queen 4.5 map download

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  1. Yeah, the problem seems to be in lvl 11, is impossible, even in hard.
    I think the only way to win is building as many cutter tower lvl 7 as you can. I think building 10 of this towers will make you pass to lvl 12.. AH! lvl 12 wave is invi, so you have to train fujiko to see them ;)!

  2. Hard lvl for 5.12 - DONE!

    28 lives... but if your PC is not lagging like mine... u can do it with 32 lives or 34 i think..


  3. i finish it 40 waves >.<

  4. Key to Lv 11 is 1 Rain of Chaos. Using Scolex's strat,i'm able to bank money for a Rain of Chaos.


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