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Infolinks Dream On - Infolinks Open a New Horizon

On my last post about Infolinks - Infolinks Dream On - Now Rolling!, i've featured the new contest run by the leading provider of In-Text Advertising Services, another form of Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. I have mentioned in that particular post that i'm willing to join the contest entitled - Infolinks Dream On and i've promised to make a post-entry after two days but that was not fulfilled because i do not have good access to internet(i'm only using USB Broadband connection), but i always experienced "connect-disconnect" situation. So after almost a week, i'm now ready to face the challenge - i'm joining the Infolinks Dream On contest.

What about Infolinks makes you happy?
I should say this: "Infolinks open a new horizon" for my blog. After being banned by Google Adsense, i thought i could never have a chance to monetize this blog. At first, I was not affected with the penalty given by Google Adsense to my blog because during that time i do not have enough traffic for my blog. But as my blog traffic starts to increase, i thought and said to myself: "I should be earning some dollars for this blog if only i was not banned by Google Adsense". I do not lose hope then, i still continue to find ways on how i can monetize my blog along with the my goals of increasing my PageRank and traffic. From January to May 2010, i have devoted some of my time browsing the internet for valuable information about increasing traffic, increasing PageRank, and increasing Alexa Rank. The hours spent was really rewarding because I come to stumble Infolinks. The reviews about this CPC Ad network really convinced me to be a publisher and during my first week of integration of Infolinks ads to my blog, i was surprised with its Cost Per Click (CPC). It was higher compared to the CPC of my other advertisements and now i have come to realize that "there's always a rainbow after a rain" with Infolinks or shall i say it again "Infolinks open a new horizon" - horizon of vast opportunities for blogger like me.

What can Infolinks do to make you happy, really happy?

Wow! Infolinks gave me chance to unleash my dreams and be part of realizing them. Since i was becoming serious with this blogging thing, one of my dreams is to get a PageRank 5 or higher for this gaming blog. But i thought Infolinks do not have access on how to make it done for me. So the task of making it happen still relies on me. So here's what infolinks can do to make me happy, really happy. Infolinks can make me happy if they will give me the latest gaming laptop. I am asking this gadget because i am inclined to make this blog more professional by giving some tips, guides or review about the latest high-end games conquering the gamers' world today. With this gadget i can try almost every games - may it be an online games, MMORPG, LAN Games, or other video games that now became PC games.

If Infolinks are really that kind, they can even sponsor our school a satellite dish for internet access. The budget for monthly subscription from the Philippines' Department of Education (DepEd) was already ready but sad to note that in our area, Telephone companies offering internet subscription are not available so our only hope is a satellite dish. And that Infolinks could be our school's partner in offering life-long learning skills for our students. As the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) coordinator of our school, i do wish i can grant the dream of almost every student.

Maybe i've been over-demanding. I can set aside my personal gain for this contest in behalf of our school. Instead of giving me the latest gaming laptop, they can give our school assistance to buy and install the satellite dish for our school.

If these things will happen, Infolinks really open a new horizon for me as a blogger and to our school.
And i should be shouting for joy! Thanks Infolinks in advance!

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