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Next PR Update in 2010 - How to Increase PageRank

Next PR Update: How to Increase PageRank

Most bloggers and website owners are all set and ready for the next PR update for 2010. As we all know that PageRank adds value to our site or blog, so it is our wish to increase our PageRank. The higher your PR, means a higher market value in online money making venture. Also with a good Page Rank will mean higher ranking in Search Engine Results Page (SERP) therefore boosting the website's or blog's traffic.

When will be the next PR update for 2010?

I became active with this blog starting November 2009 and my Pagerank during that time is N/A. According to those who are aware about PR and it's update schedule, PR update happen once every 3 months so there are four updates within a year. I gained a Pagerank 1 during the very start of year 2010 - it's a new year's gift for my blog. The second update for year 2010 happened in the first week of April but there was no change in my Page rank. The anticipated next update will be on the last week of June or 1st week of July 2010 so i'm busy building some backlinks for this blog hoping i can get a Pagerank 3 (just a wish!).

The VALUE of Pagerank:

1. Text Link Ads (TLA)

If you are registered to Text Link Ads (TLA), Pagerank is really a consideration because TLA is one of the ways of building backlinks for some advertisers. Nobody would want to put Text Link Ads to a blog with a PR of 1 or lower. Also traffic and alexa ranking are also considered if you are applying for TLA.

2. More Blogsvertise Tasks

Before i don't have any idea what Pagerank is all about and it's value to my blog. But as soon as i research about it, PR is very important especially if you aim to monetize your blog. Blogsvertise for example will give you more task if you have good PR say for example PR3 or higher. With more tasks assigned to your blog, will mean more money. So far, i received only one task from Blogsvertise that is equivalent to $7.5. If i can manage to increase my Pagerank to 3 or 4 in the next update, it would be possible that can receive at least one Blogsvertise task per week or even more.

3.Your Blog Will Become a "Comment Magnet"

With a PR of 5 or higher many website or blog owners will comment in your blog for a purpose of building back links for their site or blog. Many blogs will even try to link bait your blog. When Google crawls your blog, it will find the links through the comments you have left to other blogs and in the next PR update, those comments will help in increasing your Page rank.

How to Increase Pagerank?

1. Update your website every day by adding more unique content. If your site has some information for a visitor then it is 100% chance for him to come back to your site again. And if your post is valuable to his blog, maybe he link to your post thereby increasing your backlinks.
2. Provide inside linking to your website. For example you can provide a link of your previous and next articles on an article page. Or you can provide a list of related articles so visitor will browse more and will stay longer to your blog.
3. Create sitemap for your website (XML based for Google and text based for yahoo) then submit sitemap to Google and submit sitemap to Yahoo. Get a Google webmaster account and sign in there to see your website statistics. It will also tell you if your site is indexed or not, and your page rank in Google.
4. Trade your link with other web owners. Put their link on your website and they will put your link in them. This is for free and the very fast way to improve your visibility in search engines.
5. Comment to other blogs. Commenting to other blogs (do-follow), will increase your backlinks or inlinks. Find blogs with PR3 or higher and leave your valuable comment in there. Remember: do not spam. Your comment must be related to the post. Don't just say: "nice post!".
I would like to share to you some blogs with higher Pagerank and traffic.
  • Selaplana
  • YugaTech
  • John Chow dot com
  • LetUpdate
  • Matt Cutts blog
6. Participate in forums that have good PR. Share your expertise or ideas in forum and leave your blog URL in there.

I do hope you now have an idea about when Google updates our Pagerank, how you can increase your PR by increasing your backlinks.

We still have time until the next Pagerank update so let's start building some more backlinks.

If you have some strategies to share about building backlinks and  increasing Page rank, you can share them here through my comment box.

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Also read the following posts:
SEO Tips to Increase Search Engine Ranking
Blogging Guide - Setting Goals For Your Blog
Google Pagerank Update June 2011
Pagerank Backlinks Table
Pagerank 7 is possible for blogspot blogs
Time's Best Blogs of 2010 | Pagerank 6, 7, 8
Google Pagerank - My Page Rank Prediction
Google Pagerank Update Confuses Webmasters
Scolex Portal Page Rank is Now 1
Next PR Update | Ways to Increase Pagerank
Ways to Get Free One Way Backlinks 
Ways to Increase Alexa Rank | How to Boost Alexa Ranking
Increase Search Engine Ranking - Be a Search Engine Favorite
Make Money Online Haunting Me Through Email
Post Title Before Blog Title for Better Search Engine Ranking
Infolinks Dream On Contest


  1. One way of increasing your Page Rank is... blogging about Page Rank! And you are on the right track.

    I've noticed that your traffic count increased, your position in the blog directory improved and the frequency of posting comes in now on a daily basis.

    These are indicators that you are not going elsewhere but up. Keep up the good work Joel and rake more dollars in the future!

  2. nice add on coolbuster. I'm always excited for the next PR update that's why i'm blogging it in advance in order to attract some traffic if i'm lucky that this post will land in Google's 1st page.

    "Blogging about Pagerank in order to increase Pagerank" is a very good idea. I will blog more about PR for my next post.

  3. Excellent, very informative indeed.

    Kind regards
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  4. Waiting for next update :0 Let's see what will happen on July :)

  5. Hopefully it updates an I get my paged ranked at least. Hoping this update is in July,thank you for the info.

  6. Just what I was looking for. Thanks for the heads up!

  7. I hope the July Pagerank update will do positive things to my blog.

  8. Hey, nice tips! I'm currently building up links with other game bloggers. I'm pretty new to this page rank thingie... I've only been blogging for about 4 months and I get PR0. I'm hoping that it's just because I'm new and not because I've done something wrong though...

  9. i'm just making this post out of my blogging experiences. Experience is a great teacher indeed!

  10. Posting on nofollow blogs like this one and most others out there don't allow any link power to get out to you.

  11. @Frank

    Most blogs, expecially blogspot blogs are do-follow blogs. Commenting on these blogs do help in increasing backlinks thereby resulting to an increase in Pagerank in the long run.

  12. The pagerank update usually takes around the 4th or 5th of the month. Lets hope the next one is soon.

  13. Hi Joel

    I'm your newest follower and I do have to admit that my PR is so poor. I love to hear more of your opinion about this matter. Just followed you. Hope you can help me out on this one. Thanks for the very informative post! I'll heed to what you say...

  14. I am really confused, I have a blog that I started just before the last pagerank update which is PR0 now ,what I would like to know is,will I see more traffic to my site as soon as the toolbar pagerank goes up? is it that inmediate? or is it true that tool bar pagerank is practically worthless when it comes to keyword rank?

  15. Your pagerank toolbar has nothing to do with the keyword rank in SERP. What is more important in SERP are the backlinks to your site. Meaning to say, the amount of inbound links towards your site. If the post you have created have more backlinks especially from high PR sites, that would surely increase your ranking in Search Engine Results Pages(SERP).

  16. I hope my site will have Pagerank 3 in next pagerank update. Great article! I hope it helps people put things into perspective.Good article !

  17. very well said, scolex. thanks for the great info, now 'ill spend a tleast an hour a day interacting on forums and blogs to get more backlinks to my blog.

  18. Nice Post! All predictions about Google PR update go wrong. We hope this happen in the last month of 2010 and 30 or 31 is for the Google PR update. So try to put your all best efforts to get PR. Then Let see...

  19. That's right! my prediction about the update was wrong but i think there was an update that happened on August 2010 (but i'm not sure).

  20. I totaly agree Pagerank system is overrated really the updates are happing less frequently. Jordan

  21. Great post.. Very uselful.. Thanks a lot!

  22. do you wnat to imporve alexa rank? heres the beat way.I had found a great services to improve Alexa rank for your site, you should check out brought my site to Alexa’s top 50K in less than 90 days

  23. I think it's by consistent social interaction and website updates that makes you attract more traffic.

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  24. I would like to appreciate the work of blog author that the person provided us with an extremely excellent information regarding the topic. I really learned something from this blog and started to contribute my ideas via commenting on this blog. Keep it up!

  25. I'm really new in blogging and I don't know the importance of PR. But day by day I noticed that in order to be eligible for those ads services, you need higher PR. Thanks for the post. Will integrate some to my site.

  26. with curiosity and resourcefulness, a lot of things will be unveiled by you in terms of blogging and SEO.

  27. super great post, very information. glad to have seen this in the pinoy bloggers group in FB. thanks for sharing!

  28. Yes do back linking its free and will help with page ranking. Plus if you are looking for more free information, GO Thanks

  29. Thank you very much. May I start building a link here? :) My website is more than a year but I did not do anything to increase it's rank. Now, I'm starting to post and use blog tools by way of reading informative materials like yours. :)


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