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Shokz StarCraft 2 Strategy Guide - The Complete SC2 Mastery Guide

StarCraft 2 Strategy Guide
I'm back in my gaming mode this time. I'm in good mood because i already found the best StarCraft 2 Strategy Guide - Shokz StarCraft 2 Mastery Guide.

For the past weeks after StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty was released for retail, I have heard many players talking and twitting about StarCraft 2 Strategy Guide. I've been into different StarCraft forums participating about SC2 strategy but I always get the wrong details and I cannot withstand a single player 1 on 1 game vs AI in StarCraft 2. I previously thought that i could still use the old strategies that i learned from the previous version of StarCraft, but i was completely wrong. The AI now thinks like a real human player. In my few attempts to win a game versus AI, my goals is not actually winning since i knew that the game is difficult. My first objective then, is to withstand a game for at least 20 minutes but that objective was not easy because the AI player always sent attackers to my base. For 3 attempts, i failed! But in the fourth attempt, i grasped a little knowledge how the AI plays so i changed my strategy and eventually withstand for approximately 21 minutes then my base was completely abolished.

If I cannot win in a StarCraft 2 game versus AI player, how much more with the experienced SC2 players from the different parts of the globe. My dream is to reach the Gold, Platinum or even the Diamond Rank but that will take sometime without a proper SC2 guide as my reference.

Thanks for Shokz StarCraft 2 Mastery Guide. This is indeed the best guide that I've encountered. The guide will help newbie and professional players improve their SC2 gameplay so as to compete with the rest of experienced and skillful players in The guide is designed so that a player can master StarCraft 2 easily. You can master all the appropriate strategies for all the three races - Terran, Protoss, and Zerg. Macro and Micro management for all your units and resources were also elaborated. If you have hard time completing the Single Player Campaign, Shokz StarCraft 2 Strategy Guide will teach you how to complete all the missions without sweat!

Here are some testimonials from other users of Shokz StarCraft 2 Mastery Guide:
“When I first started the beta I was placed in the copper league and didn’t know what I could do to improve my game but after learning from the your guide I could see my skill increasing and I’m Rank 4 Gold right now and on my way up to platinum”
Tony Kotar, CA
“Shokz, I’m a Terran player and your guide had helped me a lot, my winning ratio has doubled since I started using it and I feel a lot more confident in each game. The updates have been great so keep them coming.”
Alex Price, NY
“I was always stuck near the bottom of Platinum in my divisions. I never thought I was a bad player, but I didn’t have that extra factor that pushed into Diamond. Your guide really gave me some good insight and made me tighten up my skills. I’m now mid-ranked in Diamond league!”
Ross, Diamond Leauge
“I started Starcraft 2 without any Starcraft experience, and some mediocre warcraft 3 skills. I was promptly placed in the bronze league. After reading up and practicing the strategies from Shokz guide, I got to platinum in a manner of days.
This guide saves you time and effort trialling basic build orders and unit combos, and once you master the basics you will be crafting your own strategies in no time.
Whether you’re a starcraft noob, or a seasoned veteran, you will surely learn many things from this guide, and the constant updates will keep this relevant well into the future as the game evolves.
Bottom line: If you want to become a better player, you want this guide.”
Matt, Platinum League
 If you are also looking for the best StarCraft 2 Strategy Guide, you will certainly need this:
Shokz StarCraft 2 Mastery Guide

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  1. practice makes perfect. but this is good guide, all detailed

  2. Yes, practice is good, but really need a guide also for my games to improve...


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