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DotA 6.70c Bugs Exploit - Observer Sentry Wards Bug

Are you playing DotA 6.70c map? Be careful! Maybe your opponent will take advantage of the Observer or Sentry wards bug in this map. According to Dota-Utilities, the bug discovered in the latest map of Dota were being exploited by many players as this bug allows you to restock a single ward into two. This exploit or bug is also working on the previous versions of DotA including the stable map - DotA 6.69c.

If this bug will be abused by players, this could really make your game miserable because your opponent can see you wherever you go. The map could be visible like using a map hack.

Here's a video guide about Dota 6.70c wards bug:

How to do the tricks in this bug?
1. Buy an item courier & 5 Ironwood Branches.
2. Summon courier and give all 5 Ironwood branches to it.
3. Now buy Observer/Sentry wards and another Ironwood branch on your hero.
4. Plant the first Observer/Sentry ward and give the second ward to the courier (make sure it goes in right last inventory slot of courier)
5. Drop Ironwood Branch from your hero that you bought in Step#3.
6. Select courier hold [Shift] and pick Ironwood Branch and instantly click "Change Courier type".
7 .The wards will appear as a Book Rune just pick it using your hero
8. Voila! Free unlimited wards!

  • This bug also works with Flying Courier.
  • Use it at your own risk, Using this in leagues/tournaments will get you disqualified.
With so many bugs and exploits reported in DotA 6.70c, Icefrog will probably make some fixes on the map so let's expect DotA 6.70d.

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