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I'll watch Pacman vs Mosley fight thanks to PLDT myDSL Big Ticket and Watchpad

Hello Nuffnang bloggers! The Pacquiao vs Mosley fight is just few more days to go. How are you going to watch that fight? For me, I'll watch Pacman vs Mosley fight through PLDT myDSL Big Ticket or Watchpad.

Just kidding... I don't have that thing! I only blogged with the use of USB Broadband Globe Tattoo and I really don't have a speedy internet connection.
Big Ticket Pacquiao vs Mosley

So, are you a blogger near Metro Manila? Specifically near Makati? Here's your chance to watch the Pacquiao vs Mosley fight live streaming on May 8, 2011 9AM at Yellow Cab- People Support, Makati.

Nuffnang is currently running a contest entitled: I'll watch Pacman vs Mosley fight thanks to PLDT myDSL Big Ticket and Watchpad. I've wanted to join but I'm away from the venue so the chances are yours...Nuffies.

Here's how to join:

1. This contest is open to all Nuffnangers who have at least one (1) valid ad unit and are permanent residents of the Philippines.
2. Bloggers will answer this question: “What makes Pacquiao a big ticket to the Philippines? Now, what makes PLDT myDSL Big Ticket to awesomeness?” on their blog.

Here’s a little info about big ticket.
What is Big Ticket (Guideline)?

Big Ticket is PLDT myDSL innovation that boosts Watchpad with an additional speed so you can heighten your online viewing experience. It makes internet faster in local sites. This is all for just 150/month conveniently charged to your landline bill.
Subscribe to Big Ticket until May 5 to watch the Pacquiao-Mosley Fight for free! It’s also free for Plan 1995 and Plan 3000 subscribers or if you upgrade your DSL plan.

Entertainment is better than it’s ever been, it’s awesome! Subscribe now at

3. Include in your blog post.
4. Create an awesome article that highlights Pacquiao’s achievement and tell us why Big Ticket is an awesome entertainment myDSL upgrade.
5. Include and write on your own creative way what Big Ticket is.
6.Include the image of Big Ticket Pacquiao vs Mosley on your blog.
7. A prize will be given to the best blog article!

For more details about the contest just follow this link: Big Ticket contest 

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