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5 Must-See Websites on iOS

When it comes to the world of technology, Apple has become the master of brand name recognition, customer loyalty, and public relations. This means that their continuously expanding operating system, iOS, is no stranger to the limelight of the internet. Here are five key websites that keep the world up-to-date on this mobile operating system's features, specs, rumors, future, and more.

1. MacRumors 

No list about iOS would be complete without a special emphasis on rumors. These are not the bad rumors from school, these are the rumors that seem to be a key feature of Apple's advertising campaign. This website not only keeps the world informed on concrete news streaming from Apple's mobile division, but also what may be in store their customers.

2. Design Then Code 

When many iPhone owners are asked their favorite features, the majority will reply with the apps. The iOS app store is pushing past a half million apps and the number is being raised by the hundreds every single day. These apps are a multi-billion dollar industry for the designers and programmers willing to develope them. Design Then Code is a great starting point for any app developer and will lead users through the process from conceptual designs to advertising and marketing.

3. iTunes App Store 

For anyone with an Apple product, this website is no doubt an everyday stop. The iTunes app store is for users to purchase, review, sell, upload, and download to their mobile devices. This not only gives them access to the hundreds of thousands of apps, it also is the place to purchase music, movies, and tv shows. The iTunes account is tied to both the customer and the device, so any purchases made can be quickly transferred from the iPhone, to the iPad, and then onto the Macbook.
Apple iOS

4. Jailbreak 

After recent legislation has made jailbreaking, or unlocking a mobile device completely legal, millions have flocked to this new trick. The upside of unlocking a phone is the ability to move between service providers and more access to apps and features. The downside is the fact that it will void the warranty and may permanently damage the phone if done correctly. This website walks users through the jailbreak process and explains the pros and cons in depth.

5. iOS Forums 

These forums are essential for anyone using a device powered by iOS. The forums have become a large community of customers, programmers, and even Apple employees dedicated to fostering an open dialogue about iOS. Subsections include how-tos, Q & A, games, apps, news, features, and more.
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