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A Proposal Made During Reporter's Liveshot - "Accidentally"?

While a reporter is talking about health, "accidentally" the camera caught a man proposing to a girl. Is this some kind of a staged proposal? Check the video here before leaving your comment in my comment box.
Video: Man Proposes During Reporter's Liveshot

This is one of the top videos from Yahoo but this has drawn many negative reactions from the people who saw the proposal in the background of reporter's liveshot.

Here are some of the reactions or comments about the video:
  • Looks staged. What fool would propose to his lifelong love on a dirty sidewalk outside of an airport?
  • Proposing at an airport. How romantic. Don't take her out on an expensive date or anything. No, no. An airport is perfect.
  • Fake. Come on. Everything is Fake these days. Fake reality TV, Fake food, Fake People., Fake News! It's all fake! Even you're fake.
  • Publicity Stunt.
  • This is strange. KMBC News is reporting about eating healthy - at an airport. And than a man just happens to be proposing to his girl behind them - at an airport. No matter if this is real or not its just weird.
  • Why are they reporting about healthy foods at the airport? lmao. It also wasn't staged he wanted to propose after he came home from not seeing her, whats wrong with that?
  • Why are they talking about a diet plan at an airport?
  • accidentally??? you mean they couldn't see the reporter and the camera?

What can you say about this proposal? Make a reaction/comment different from what is being stated above. I challenged you guys!


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