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Mobile Phone Contracts - Which One Is Best?

mobile phone contracts
With the variety of mobile phone contracts, all with fancy space-age sounding names, it is so hard to find out exactly which one is best for you.  There are many things to consider when choosing your next mobile phone contract.  Also, remember that many mobile phone providers will lure you with free gifts, so if you are looking for a new laptop or gaming system for example, it is worth having a good look around.

How much can you spend a month?  How much you can afford to spend on your mobile contract will determine how many minutes and texts you will be able to get, as well as determining whether or not you will need to pay extra for a handset.  So start there – once you know what you can afford, you can think of what you need.

Do you want an iPhone?  And if so, do you want the 3GS, the 80 gig one, the iPhone 4?  Or perhaps you want an Android?  Or a Blackberry?  Touchscreen, flip or slide?  Or do you just want an old fashioned phone?

With the amount of different types of phones that are available, you almost need to be a rocket scientist to figure out which one is best for you.  It is advisable to rely on the information provided to you by people in the shops, as well as friends and family members who may be able to give you some good advice.

Remember that when you enter a mobile phone contract, these usually last around 18 months, so you will be stuck with your handset for that period of time.  Try to think in advance about what features are most important to you.  It could be gaming, music, watching videos, long battery life, downloading applications, etc.  This will give you some idea of which phones will and will not suit your needs.

Minutes, Texts, Video Minutes, MMS, Internet Access
Many of us feel we can no longer see the tree for the woods when it comes to mobile contracts.  If you phone a mobile phone contract provider, they will throw say things to you such as "this fantastic deal also offers you 300 network to network video minutes".  It sounds so fancy, but is it something you really need?  Do you even know what it is?  Make sure that your new contract gives you exactly what you need as far as the amount of minutes, texts and data or any other issues that are important to you.

Best Mobile Phone Contracts
There is no simple answer as to what the best mobile contract it.  The general consensus, though, is that it should come with a free top of the range handset, a large amount of minutes and texts and preferably a free gift.  If you are looking at upgrading your contract, you should expect to at least get a new top of the range mobile phone, as well as a large discount on your existing contract.  Prices are always coming down, so you should be able to get a better deal as time goes by.
Today's guest blogger Ajeet Khurana writes about many aspects of contemporary technology. Read some of his tech blogs:,, and


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