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Custom Facebook Landing Page | Custom FB Landing Pages - Order Now!

Custom Facebook landing page is important if you want more LIKEs on the page you designed for your website or blog. This page will serve as a welcome page for those who arrived the page for the first time. If you've customized your Facebook landing page with a design that invites the visitors to click the LIKE button, then your page will become popular with more LIKEs from your targeted clients.

Many tutorials are available on how to make a custom FB landing page but if you have hard time figuring out how to design one, then order my services for a very minimal pay. I've stumbled a website that offers to design a customized Facebook landing page but I was shocked with the quotes of their services. Some websites offer their services for about $200 to $400 plus other social media services, other offered it for about $100. But if you want to order my service, I will deliver the design for about $20 to $50 dollars depending on the complexity of the design.

Here are the quotes for my social media service - Designing custom Facebook landing pages:

$20 - A simple landing page decorated with images that captures the attention of your first time visitors.
$50 - Custom FB landing page with reveal tab. Once the user clicked on the LIKE button, he is directed to another page, known as a reveal tab where he/she will be prompted to input their name and email address. This is like an email capture page.

***To order our design, contact me here!

Here are my own Photoshop design of Facebook Landing Page or custom Facebook Landing Page:
Facebook custom landing page
Ultimate CastleVille Guide

FB custom landing page designs
The Lucky Pair
custom Facebook landing page - Old boxes Non-Fan
Old Boxes
custom Facebook landing page with reveal tab
Facebook Custom Landing Page - California Body Care
California Body Care
Take a look at other landing pages that I have customized: - Facebook page with reveal tab - FB page with reveal tab - FB page with reveal tab - custom Facebook page with reveal tab - custom Facebook page with reveal tab and RSS subscription

If you want to order a custom landing page for your Facebook Fan Page, you can contact me here.

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