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5 Simple Steps to a Good Night's Sleep

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Set Up A Routine

You may not realize this but it is very important for you to set up a daily routine, such as waking up at a reasonable time and becoming active during the day. Try to spend some time exercising, being out in the sun or maybe just keeping busy around the house. Keeping your body busy during the day will allow your body to become naturally tired and will allow you to have a good nights sleep.

Limit Caffeine

I know most of us couldn't go a day without having our daily cup of joe or heck, any type of caffeine but try and cut back on caffeine, especially after noon. To some of us caffeine is what gets us through the day, but with the downside of drinking caffeine is that it comes with caffeine crashes and caffeine crashes play such a horrible role on our sleeping patterns. They make us extremely tired, and give us a reason to want to take a 'power nap', we usually tend to 'over do' those naps which allow us not to be as tired when its bed time.

Set a Reasonable Bed Time

It is a good idea to set a daily bed time, this will allow your body to get use to the idea of going to sleep at the same time each night. Setting a bed time will also allow you to be more productive, forcing you to get unfinished work completed, or just getting those t.v shows out of the way earlier. With scheduling a bed time you will feel more relaxed knowing that you are going to get a full night of rest, every night.

cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo shared by adwriter

Have a Good Mattress

Maybe you're doing everything right? Maybe it's not the caffeine or the lack of daily activities keeping you awake. Maybe it is your mattress? Are you ever having any trouble being comfortable on your bed? Or you find yourself always readjusting? You should go down to your local mattress store and try out some new mattresses, a mattress that suits you. A new mattress, properly fitted to you, can mean all the difference between getting a good nights sleep and waking up tired and groggy.

See a Doctor

If you think you have tried everything and are still having trouble sleeping then I would recommend seeing a doctor. Why a doctor? Because in some cases, people need the help of medication or breathing products to sleep. One common problem is not getting the right amount of oxygen while they are sleeping. If you are not getting the right amount of oxygen in your sleep then you will feel exhausted the morning after you sleep because your body isn't going into a full sleep cycle, your body continuously wakes up every 15 minutes or so without you realizing it.
This article was written by the online leader in compression stockings. has been the online source for compression stockings since 2011.

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