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When the Most Famous House Opens

The Pinoy Big Brother is one of the biggest and most talked about reality show in the Philippines. The PBB house became the most famous house in the country and only those chosen ones will be lucky enough to live inside Big Brother’s house for 100 days without any connection from the outside world.

Pinoy Big Brother (PBB) House - Bahay Ni Kuya
Image Source:!Bahaynikuya.JPG
Ten seasons of knowing different kinds of people with different personality, status and generations passed and finally, it opened again and became the first time in franchise history to mix and put together different editions in one house, PBB’s 11th season - the Pinoy Big Brother All In. Teens, celebrities and adults were fortunate enough to be selected to live inside the house altogether.

This season, a lot of controversies emerge because almost all the housemates are good-looking and others even termed them as “celebrity material”. PBB Scripted even trended in the social networking site Twitter and speculations were, housemates didn’t really auditioned and conflicts and drama inside the house will all be scripted to make the show more exciting and interesting to watch.

PBB fans would probably disagree with these issues since they’ve been following the show from the beginning and witnessed how the people inside the house behave, cry, laugh, love, and learn. Unlike other editions were housemates were really categorized like there’s Teen, Celebrity and Regular Editions, PBB All In is a more exciting season because it’s a mixture of different generations and status like how teenagers aged 15-19 will blend with those celebrity housemates whom they only see on television and how they will all behave with regular housemates aging 20 above with different occupations, stories and personalities.

The fame of PBB is brought about by the differences of the housemates inside because a lot of emotions and stories are revealed. Since the footages and videos of PBB All In which are shown every night are just selected, fans and even haters should watch on the 24/7 coverage of the show because it’s uncut and there’s a lot to learn about the housemate. Faking an emotion is one of the hardest things to do and it’s probably impossible to fake your emotions inside PBB’s house especially with cameras all over the place.

We all have different stories, experiences and personalities and PB All In will show us that. We may not like or like someone inside because of what we see but understanding who they really are is the most difficult part especially on the part of the viewers unless we’ve known them or lived with them like their co-housemates.

Pinoy Big Brother is a reality show that pictures the different side of Filipinos from all ages and since it’s true to life, a lot of us can relate which made it natural, interesting and life-changing.

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