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Who's to blame?...In Today's World

I really like the thought of this humor. I hope you'll like it too.

How the world works lately...

If a man cuts his finger off while
slicing salami at work,
he blames the restaurant.

If you smoke three packs a day
For 40 years and die of lung cancer,
your family blames the
tobacco company..

If your neighbour crashes
into a tree while driving home drunk,
he blames the bartender.

If your grandchildren are
Brats without manners,
you blame television.

If your friend is shot by a
deranged madman,
you blame the gun manufacturer.

And if a crazed person breaks
into the cockpit and
tries to kill the pilot at 35,000 feet,
and the passengers
kill him instead,
the mother of the crazed deceased
blames the airline.

I must have lived too long to
understand the world
as it is anymore.

So, if I die while my OLD WRINKLED ASS is parked in front of this computer,
I want all of you to
blame Bill Gates.

Also try the following posts:

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How to level up faster in farm town?


  1. hahahhahah! :P
    its fUnny aND meaNingFUl.,
    it show peoPLE's uNcertainTy
    anD proJEction/deNials :P
    lOVE it :)

  2. Joel! Nice blog! Hahaa!

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