If you have children at home you will need to keep your maintenance and internet fees down, while you monitor what they do. This article looks at some tools and strategies to do just that. Tips on Monitoring Your Child’s Home Internet Use Knowing what your children are doing on your home computer is as important as having one. You will probably need less computer repairs when they are being monitored. Children can easily say they are using the computer for many tasks, and we cannot, and should not want to stop them from using it. At the same time, we don’t want them to be using the computer for playing games and wasting time when they should be using the computer to get work done. This is the situation that many parents are confronted with. Here is a look at some solutions that will help you get around this sticky problem. Computer Location. If your home computer is in a main room in your house, you will be able to physically monitor your children. Make sure the screen is against t...
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